student group Fest Learning GabriellaMarksPhoto



You can support Monte when you shop at Smith’s, Office Depot through their reward programs Smith’s Inspiring Donations, Office Depot’s Give Back to Schools, and when you shop for groceries through Box Tops for Education.

Here’s how to sign up.

To enroll in the Smith’s Inspiring Donations Program, visit and from there either create or log-in to an online Smith’s account. You will need to verify your email and enter your rewards card number. Then you can search for and choose Monte del Sol using our NPO number: X1166 or our name.

*You must have a registered Smith’s rewards card account to link to Monte del Sol.

*If you do not yet have a Smith’s rewards card, they are available at the customer service desk at any Smith’s. 

 *Also, you must swipe your registered Smith’s rewards card or use the phone number that is related to your registered Smith’s rewards card when shopping for each purchase to count.

Office Depot Give Back to Schools

Go to the link and provide Monte’s school’s ID (70119806) at checkout (in store and online) and we will receive 5% back in credits for FREE supplies! It’s a small act that can make a huge difference. Monte del Sol’s School ID is: 70119806.

Sign up and get the app at Boxtops for Education

Scan your receipts using their app and they will donate to our school.