Monte del Sol Charter School educates and inspires Santa Fe’s diverse population in grades 7 through 12, by building strong relationships and creatively engaging the local and global community. 

Monte del Sol students





“As I near the end of my second year of graduate studies, I spend more time reflecting on my formative years and, more importantly, the educators with whom I frequently interacted... I realize more and more that the education I received at Monte del Sol extended far beyond the classroom... I feel very strongly that the educator-student dynamic at Monte del Sol is not one that is easy to come by and is largely responsible for the positive aspects of my growth throughout high school.”
- Monte del Sol Graduate

Portrait of a Monte Graduate

Intellectual curiosity

A joy for learning

Creativity in thinking, performing, and self-expression

Engagement in and compassion for our community and for humanity

Respect and care for self, others, and the environment


Years of learning


Enrolled students




of teachers
have advanced degrees

Our Pillars

Provide a small school so each individual is known.
Acknowledge and celebrate the diversity of its members and the community.
Connect students with adult community members through the Mentorship program.

Teach the importance of environmental sustainability in our curricula and through participation in the garden.

Global Literacy
Foster awareness of the world through international trips, student exchanges, special events, and curricula.

Arts Integration
Engage students in the arts through events, activities, and curricula.

News + Announcements

Monte del Sol Charter School - classroom learning
Monte del Sol Charter School - sharing classroom learning in courtyard

Dragon Highlights

Kudos to Monte Students & Faculty:

Monte del Sol Model International Criminal CourtKudos to: Monte students and faculty taking part in Model International Criminal Court (MICC) in Poland

On November 12, Monte del Sol’s world history teacher, Dayni Staddon will lead eight high school students from New Mexico, including Monte students Samuel Mitchell, Samuel Walling, Jazmin Ruiz and Colin Fagan to participate in the Model International Criminal Court (MICC) in Krzyżowa, Poland. The Kreisau Initiative is an  organization in Germany which sponsors the program worldwide and provides funding  to involve students from all over the world in historic human rights and international criminal court model trials. This will be the 3rd year that Monte del Sol students have been a part of this training and experience.



Kudos to Monte Alumnus, Taiyo Fukuda for his drone work in Ukraine

Taiyo Fukuda’s Drone work in Ukraine Began in a Monte del Sol Mentorship in Drone Photography. Fast forward two years, and Taiyo is preparing to return to Ukraine with Luke who continues to be an important mentor and friend in his life.


Kudos to our Seniors!

Fabian Larranaga received the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Scholarship and one from Trout Unlimited. Emiliano Alarcon Macias is a recipient of the Davis Scholarship. Emlee Taylor received the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Scholarship. Gabriella Armijo was named a 2024 Super Scholar and received a Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Scholarship. She was a Gates scholarship finalist and is traveling to Charleston, SC for a MESA Senior Incentive Field Trip. Mik Crazyhorse-Rodriguez was a Gates scholarship finalist and wrote a play for our theater class which will be performed in April.

We are so proud of all of you!

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Emlee and Gabriella STEM stars (1)Kudos to Gabriella Armijo and Emlee Taylor-Bowlin for their work on SAM (Stress Anxiety Monitor) from the Next Generation of Behavioral and Computer Scientists!




Archived Highlights
