Chaco Canyon Trip 2024

Students, faculty and staff had a fantastic and eye-opening trip to Chaco Canyon. Along with exploring an area rich with cultural, geologic, industrial, and aesthetic intrigue, many of the students experienced camping for the first time!

Day One. After packing up at school the group hit the road! They stopped at Abiquiu Lake, Angel’s Peak then onward to their campsite near Chaco. The group camped in a remote spot with an expansive view. Rain and twenty mph winds made it a challenge to set up tents! But the rain cleared for dinner and a brief, but energetic “lampfire” (it was too windy to have a campfire). Then off to bed to see if the tents would hold!

Day Two. Early rise and a full day exploring Chaco Canyon. After stopping to fix a flat tire (the kids were all over this!) the group arrived in the park. The group hiked through a slot canyon emerging on top of a Mesa and after a short and exciting hike they were overlooking Pueblo Bonito, an impressive ruin of the Ancestral Pueblo. They hiked down to explore the ruins, gathering a collection of impression and questions as the group went back to camp in time for dinner and another “lampfire” with songs, games and untoasted smores!

Day Three. An impressively quick start left the group time to explore the Ah-Shi-Sle-Pah Wash, an otherworldly landscape filled with hoodoos. We broke into smaller groups to wander through the hoodoos, giving us a chance for a relatively quiet and contemplative lunch. Then back in the vans for the ride back to MDS!

It was a delight traveling with this group! Their positive energy and sense of adventure was only amplified by the challenges they faced! Great job Dragons!